Publishing Information
- Publisher
- Responsible Person
- Chin-Po Wang
- Address
- 13F., No. 1-16, Kuojian Rd., Qianzhen Dist., Kaohsiung City 806, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
- Website
- Customer Service
- Tax ID Number
- 81231585

Conditions of Use
- Applicable Games:MyCard Point is applicable for multiple games or digital contents which issued by Game First International Corp., Chinesegamer International Corp., Game Flier International Corp., USERJOY Technology Co.,Ltd. and so on. Please refer the details on Entertainment.
- Product category: Online Game Point Card.
- When the MyCard Points had already redeemed or convert into the online games、services or products (following as “Products”) which provided by MyCard, the refund method shall follow the standard of Products. Or you may contact MyCard Customer Service Center for more information.
- If there are any gift points which present by MyCard Point Card, the gift points are not in Performance Guaranteed as follow.
Performance Guarantee
The amount which is represented by the MyCard Point (Card/Serial Number), has declared trust in full performance guarantee by CTBC Bank Co., Ltd.. The period of performance guarantee is 1 year from the purchase date, and all duty of performance guarantee shall cancel automatically after the expiration of the period. If the financial institution which provides performance guarantee been replaced in the period, the new financial institution shall still provide the performance guarantee.